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Five Soothing poses for Back Pain

People with occasional soreness and chronic back aches greatly benefit from these five asanas which can help lengthen your spine, lengthen and widen constricted or stiff muscles, stretch and strengthens those muscles that are underutilized, and return your back to its proper alignment. Specific body positioning for the these yogic postures opens and creates space longitudinally, horizontally and circumferentially without aggravating the injured areas.

Downward Facing Dog/Adho Mukha Savanasana:

Classic Pose and a great total body stretch. It targets:

  • Back extensors or the large muscles that:

  • Aids from your lower back

  • supports the spine

  • elps in standing and

  • Aids in lifting objects

Pigeon Pose/Rajakapotasana:

Acts as an angel of mecy for the poor aching back.

  • All those muscles like the hamstrings, hip rotators and the iliopsoas muscles that contribute to backache are opened by this savior pose

  • Completely avoids putting pressure on the already tight back muscles


Named after the King Cobra having the strongest spine in the world this pose is a fantastic pose for the spinal health.

Strength and Flexibility are the two important componenets for a healthy back and this pose when done in conjunction with other back-related yoga poses, helps in developing back strength and maintain a correct body posture

It alleviates the compression of the disc on the nerve root and provides relief from disc-related pain

It decreases stiffness, relieves stress, and reduces back pain

It reverses the effects of daily sitting or standing

It promotes circulation to improve balance in the lumbar region

Child Pose/Balasana:

An active strech that elogates the back.

  • It helps align the spine and takes pressure off the lower back.

  • If stress is the cause of your backache then this pose shold help as it calms the mind and stabilizes your breath

Cat-Cow poses/Marjaryasana-Bitilasana:

A pair of yoga poses that do very well together and by cycling between the two postures yo end p lubricating and streching your entire spine.

  • This pose prevents and alleviates back pain

  • Brings flexibility into the spine

  • Releases low back tension

  • Along with the back it also streches hips and abdomen

Caution: Please do not attempt any of the asanas on your own unless you have been guided by a yoga guru or certified teacher.

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Courtesy:Raahat Yoga Studio

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